SNOW: 0" (24 hrs); 10"(48 hrs); Base: 63"; Total: 272"
CONDITIONS: Powder/Packed Powder
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 163/163
TEMP: 24/5 F.
The snow just keeps on comin'! Yesterday was another epic powder day in Steamboat Springs with 10 inches falling overnight, 9 of which fell after the ski resort closed. We have had a mixture of snow and sunshine for days. Another perfect week in paridise.
Unfortuntely, I was not out in the sunshine and on the Steamboat Ski Resort this morning, so I turn to Steamboat's straighttalker, Andy for feedback: "...the cord this morning was like butter, two inches deep and as carvy as carvy can be. The snow in the trees off of the left side of Fawn was still up to our knees and clean in spots, so we got the best of both worlds on that one."
Just in case you missed it, you should check-out the photos from our infamous Cowboy Downhill on Tuesday. The Steamboat Pilot has a fantastic movie of this year's stampede. Check-out the Cowboy Stampede... People travel the world for this event: "Tim Kitching and Bruce Hill were so taken by the Cowboy Downhill last year that they went out of their way to see it again.
“We’re in Breckenridge (on vacation) this year, so we hired a car and came up for the 34th Cowboy Downhill,” said Kitching, of London. “Seven thousand miles for the Champagne Powder and the Cowboy Downhill — and the Fat Tire.” ...Read complete Steamboat Pilot News Article
Need more cowboy action? Check-out the photos at: Steamboat Cowboy Downhill photo gallery...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Is it sunny? Is it snowing?
SNOW: 2" (24 hrs); 7(48 hrs); Base: 60"; Total: 255"
CONDITIONS: Powder/Packed Powder
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 163/163 TEMP: 22/-7 F.

It feels like it has been snowing forever in Steamboat Springs. Yesterday, the sun peaked through for a few hours in the morning and it was glorious skiing. Today, the sun is trying so hard to shine through the clouds. Could you belive it could be snowing and sunny at the same time? Well it is!
CONDITIONS: Powder/Packed Powder
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 163/163 TEMP: 22/-7 F.

It feels like it has been snowing forever in Steamboat Springs. Yesterday, the sun peaked through for a few hours in the morning and it was glorious skiing. Today, the sun is trying so hard to shine through the clouds. Could you belive it could be snowing and sunny at the same time? Well it is!
A series of winter storms in December and January have propelled Steamboat to an amazing 20 foot total of snow at mid-mountain! With more snow predicted through the weekend, there are no signs of letting up any time soon. Steamboat is enjoying some of the best snow in the Rocky Mountains and one of the largest mid-mountain bases of the major Colorado destination resorts. Check-out some of the epic skiing photos from this season...
And for a little adrenalin rush, have fun watching the Steamboat Ski Resort Ski Patrollers doing some avalanche control last week during after the epic 25" storm. Steamboat Ski Resort Video...
And for a little adrenalin rush, have fun watching the Steamboat Ski Resort Ski Patrollers doing some avalanche control last week during after the epic 25" storm. Steamboat Ski Resort Video...
Monday, January 14, 2008
I love Sunny Days!
SNOW: 3" (24 hrs); 11(48 hrs); Base: 65"; Total: 3"
CONDITIONS: Powder! Packed Powder
LIFTS: 17/17
TRAILS: 163/163
TEMP: 28/4 F.
Today is the day for all those fair-weather skiers to get out and carve up the Steamboat Ski Resort. After last weeks epic snow storms, the resort is is idyllic for skiing and riding, and we are basking in the sunshine. The groomers are "carvy" and there are still powder snow stashes throughout our infamous trees. See you at Slopeside for an apres ski beer!
CONDITIONS: Powder! Packed Powder
LIFTS: 17/17
TRAILS: 163/163
TEMP: 28/4 F.
Today is the day for all those fair-weather skiers to get out and carve up the Steamboat Ski Resort. After last weeks epic snow storms, the resort is is idyllic for skiing and riding, and we are basking in the sunshine. The groomers are "carvy" and there are still powder snow stashes throughout our infamous trees. See you at Slopeside for an apres ski beer!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Are you tired of the powder yet? NOT ME!
SNOW: 8" (24 hrs); 18(48 hrs); Base: 68"; Total: 230"
CONDITIONS: Powder! Powder! Powder!
LIFTS: 17/17
TRAILS: 163/163
TEMP: 23/4 F.
This is my 8th winter in Steamboat Springs, and I have NEVER EVER skied this much snow. Sure, every season we have our famous 14 inch, 16 inch, 12 inch powder days. But never have I skied on days when we receive 20+ inches of snow in 24-hours --- THREE DAYS IN A ROW.
Everyone you speak to in Steamboat right now is exhausted. We have skied until our legs are wobbly for over a week. All this powder is taking its toll. Our bodies ache, and so do our cheek muscles. Your can't wipe the grin off our faces!
I might guess that the hot springs might be pretty popular for the next few days. That is, if we can tear ourselves away from the epic conditions for just a few hours.
CONDITIONS: Powder! Powder! Powder!
LIFTS: 17/17
TRAILS: 163/163
TEMP: 23/4 F.
This is my 8th winter in Steamboat Springs, and I have NEVER EVER skied this much snow. Sure, every season we have our famous 14 inch, 16 inch, 12 inch powder days. But never have I skied on days when we receive 20+ inches of snow in 24-hours --- THREE DAYS IN A ROW.
Everyone you speak to in Steamboat right now is exhausted. We have skied until our legs are wobbly for over a week. All this powder is taking its toll. Our bodies ache, and so do our cheek muscles. Your can't wipe the grin off our faces!
I might guess that the hot springs might be pretty popular for the next few days. That is, if we can tear ourselves away from the epic conditions for just a few hours.
Friday, January 11, 2008
It's Deep! Really, really deep!
SNOW: 7" (24 hrs); 22(48 hrs); Base: 62"; Total: 212"
CONDITIONS: Powder! Powder! Powder!
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 163/163
TEMP: 24/6degrees F.
CONDITIONS: Powder! Powder! Powder!
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 163/163
TEMP: 24/6degrees F.
The snow just keeps on coming. My legs are tired from skiing, and my arms are tired from scraping snow off my car every morning.
A winter storm dropped a whopping 25 inches of new snow in 24 hours yesterday, and today it has been topped up with another 7 inches overnight. For the past 10 days, more than three feet of snow has fallen mid-mountain at the resort and there are no signs of letting up any time soon. Steamboat is enjoying some of the best snow in the Rocky Mountains and one of the largest mid-mountain bases of the major Colorado destination resorts.
The resort is currently in a storm cycle that has yielded:
• 15 inches at mid-mountain and 25 inches at the summit overnight
• 21 inches at mid-mountain and 31 inches at the summit in past 48-hours
• 24 inches at mid-mountain and 39 inches at the summit in the past three days
• 29 inches at mid and 46 inches at the summit in the past four days
• 38 inches at mid and 53 inches at the summit in the past five days.
• 15 inches at mid-mountain and 25 inches at the summit overnight
• 21 inches at mid-mountain and 31 inches at the summit in past 48-hours
• 24 inches at mid-mountain and 39 inches at the summit in the past three days
• 29 inches at mid and 46 inches at the summit in the past four days
• 38 inches at mid and 53 inches at the summit in the past five days.
The resort is reporting a 62-inch base at mid-mountain and 76-inch base at the summit on powder conditions. Since the resort opened on November 30th, snow has fallen 32 out of 42days (76.2%) with 18 of those days recording four or more inches. So farthis season, Steamboat has been blanketed by 205 inches (17.08 feet) atmid-mountain and 192 inches (16 feet) at the summit.
See for yourself! Check-out the Steamboat Ski Resort's video of 10 feet of Snow at the Steamboat Ski Resort...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
2 more feet of snow! 10 inches after the resort closed!
SNOW: 15" (24 hrs); 21 (48 hrs); Base: 62"; Total: 205"
CONDITIONS: Powder!Powder!Powder!
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 160/165
TEMP: 19/7 degrees F.
CONDITIONS: Powder!Powder!Powder!
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 160/165
TEMP: 19/7 degrees F.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
6 inches of new snow overnight, 15 feet this season!
SNOW: 6" (24 hrs); 9" (48 hrs); Base: 52"; Total: 190"
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 160/165
TEMP: 30/7
More than 15 feet of new snow has fallen at Steamboat this season! In fact, it has snowed 36 out of 49 days since Nov. 21st. The forecast continues to call for snow this week with Steamboat in very active weather pattern.
I managed to sneak in three runs this morning on the Steamboat Ski Resort. The first run down Rudi's was not spectacular. It was a little hard and scaped away. I was a little dismayed... but the surprize awaited. I found untracked snow down Storm Peak Face; knee-deep powder in Triangle; and excellent conditions down one of my favorites, Cyclone.
Each year I seem to find a different favorite run. The first year it was West Side. I was not yet an advanced skier, and I loved the intimdating vertical on this run, as well as the incredible views of the Yampa Valley. During the epic 05/06 435-inch season, I had many memorable days on Rolex. Last year work commitments kept me in the office, so I was not skiing as often. Hence, I had to seek out the very last stashes in the trees alongside the Sunshine Lift Line trail. This year, without a doubt, I keep migrating to Sideburn. Sideburn is tucked on the edge of the infamous Shadows and Closets tree run, but is a little more open and spits you in and out of some meadows. Today, once again, Sideburn surprized me with some untracked snow.
I wish I had had all day to ski, to have time to stop for a Hot Chocolate, and end the day with Apres ski drinks at Slopeside Bar and Grill. I may not have been lucky enough to ski all day, but I was blessed to ski the few excellent runs that I could squeeze in.
The National Weather Service in Grand Junction has issued a snow advisory warning for Northwest Colorado and is forecasting up to 10 inches in Steamboat Springs. “A strong winter storm will continue to bring snow to the region through this evening,” reads the warning issued Wednesday. Read the full Steamboat Today Article...
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 160/165
TEMP: 30/7
More than 15 feet of new snow has fallen at Steamboat this season! In fact, it has snowed 36 out of 49 days since Nov. 21st. The forecast continues to call for snow this week with Steamboat in very active weather pattern.
I managed to sneak in three runs this morning on the Steamboat Ski Resort. The first run down Rudi's was not spectacular. It was a little hard and scaped away. I was a little dismayed... but the surprize awaited. I found untracked snow down Storm Peak Face; knee-deep powder in Triangle; and excellent conditions down one of my favorites, Cyclone.
Each year I seem to find a different favorite run. The first year it was West Side. I was not yet an advanced skier, and I loved the intimdating vertical on this run, as well as the incredible views of the Yampa Valley. During the epic 05/06 435-inch season, I had many memorable days on Rolex. Last year work commitments kept me in the office, so I was not skiing as often. Hence, I had to seek out the very last stashes in the trees alongside the Sunshine Lift Line trail. This year, without a doubt, I keep migrating to Sideburn. Sideburn is tucked on the edge of the infamous Shadows and Closets tree run, but is a little more open and spits you in and out of some meadows. Today, once again, Sideburn surprized me with some untracked snow.
I wish I had had all day to ski, to have time to stop for a Hot Chocolate, and end the day with Apres ski drinks at Slopeside Bar and Grill. I may not have been lucky enough to ski all day, but I was blessed to ski the few excellent runs that I could squeeze in.
The National Weather Service in Grand Junction has issued a snow advisory warning for Northwest Colorado and is forecasting up to 10 inches in Steamboat Springs. “A strong winter storm will continue to bring snow to the region through this evening,” reads the warning issued Wednesday. Read the full Steamboat Today Article...
Sunday, January 6, 2008
9 inches of new snow and more on the way!
SNOW: 9" (24 hrs); 9" (48 hrs); Base: 47"; Total: 176"
CONDITIONS: Powder Powder
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 160/165
TEMP: 27/15
** Winter Storm Warning in affect until 6pm Monday **
Sadly, I am out of town this weekend, and looks like I am missing another powder day. Fortunately, December's epic skiing is as fresh in my mind as this fresh new snow. I can alomost imagine what it is like in Steamboat.
But for more honest insight, let's turn to the Steamboat Ski Resort's Straightalker, Amy Gregorich: "It’s here folks – and it’s not done yet! The most talked-about storm of the season is looming above us as I write this report for you. It started last night by dropping a buttery 9 inches, and is forecast to continue through today and into tomorrow, too. This storm can’t quite seem to make up it’s mind, either, as there are both clear blue areas of sky and dark, looming clouds."
There is a winter storm warning in Steamboat Springs until 6pm Monday. Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
CONDITIONS: Powder Powder
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 160/165
TEMP: 27/15
** Winter Storm Warning in affect until 6pm Monday **
Sadly, I am out of town this weekend, and looks like I am missing another powder day. Fortunately, December's epic skiing is as fresh in my mind as this fresh new snow. I can alomost imagine what it is like in Steamboat.
But for more honest insight, let's turn to the Steamboat Ski Resort's Straightalker, Amy Gregorich: "It’s here folks – and it’s not done yet! The most talked-about storm of the season is looming above us as I write this report for you. It started last night by dropping a buttery 9 inches, and is forecast to continue through today and into tomorrow, too. This storm can’t quite seem to make up it’s mind, either, as there are both clear blue areas of sky and dark, looming clouds."
There is a winter storm warning in Steamboat Springs until 6pm Monday. Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Perfect weather! Perfect skiing in Steamboat!
SNOW: 0" (24 hrs); 0" (48 hrs); Base: 44"; Total: 167"
CONDITIONS: Packed Powder
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 160/165
TEMP: 29/12
Steamboat skiers have been getting their vitamin D fix for the last three days. We've been blessed with gorgeous sunny days. The temperatures have been cold, but an inversion most days has ensured idyllic ski conditions. The pre- and post-christmas record snow set up an excellent base, and if you are lucky, there are a few of our famous powder stashes still to be found in the trees.
Yesterday, Riley Polumbus, Steamboat Ski Resort's Straightalker, beautifully captured Steamboat's spectacular skiing: "Even my turns and those of others behind created only a soft whisper as I schussed down Cyclone, linking turns easily over its silky surface. I also ventured over toward High Noon and cut through the trees a bit where I found a few shots of untouched gleaming powder to float through. Barely making a sound as I turned amid the aspen trees down a gentle slope, these trees will be perfect for those looking for a mellow tree run. Go there to get that feeling of being aloft on the snow, light as a feather. Much in contrast of my next run, another steep groomed fun and fast Westside..."
CONDITIONS: Packed Powder
LIFTS: 16/18
TRAILS: 160/165
TEMP: 29/12
Steamboat skiers have been getting their vitamin D fix for the last three days. We've been blessed with gorgeous sunny days. The temperatures have been cold, but an inversion most days has ensured idyllic ski conditions. The pre- and post-christmas record snow set up an excellent base, and if you are lucky, there are a few of our famous powder stashes still to be found in the trees.
Yesterday, Riley Polumbus, Steamboat Ski Resort's Straightalker, beautifully captured Steamboat's spectacular skiing: "Even my turns and those of others behind created only a soft whisper as I schussed down Cyclone, linking turns easily over its silky surface. I also ventured over toward High Noon and cut through the trees a bit where I found a few shots of untouched gleaming powder to float through. Barely making a sound as I turned amid the aspen trees down a gentle slope, these trees will be perfect for those looking for a mellow tree run. Go there to get that feeling of being aloft on the snow, light as a feather. Much in contrast of my next run, another steep groomed fun and fast Westside..."
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year
SNOW: 1" (24 hrs); 10" (48 hrs); Base: 48"; Total: 166"
CONDITIONS: Powder/Packed Powder
LIFTS: 18/18
TRAILS: 158/165
TEMP: 14/-12 F
Finally! A perfect blue-bird day. All this snow has been amazing, but it is nice to see the sunshine. However, don't let the sunshine fool you. It is still very cold out. The temperature has been hovering close to zero for a few hours already. With 126 inches of snow in December, three and a half feet of that in the last week, these cold temperatures are sure to preserve some powder stashes for days to come. The Steamboat Ski Resort has it all today -- excellent groomers, challenging bumps, and powder in the trees.
CONDITIONS: Powder/Packed Powder
LIFTS: 18/18
TRAILS: 158/165
TEMP: 14/-12 F
Finally! A perfect blue-bird day. All this snow has been amazing, but it is nice to see the sunshine. However, don't let the sunshine fool you. It is still very cold out. The temperature has been hovering close to zero for a few hours already. With 126 inches of snow in December, three and a half feet of that in the last week, these cold temperatures are sure to preserve some powder stashes for days to come. The Steamboat Ski Resort has it all today -- excellent groomers, challenging bumps, and powder in the trees.
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